Van Helsing S03E01 fresh-tendrils

Van Helsing S03E01: “Fresh Tendrils” — It is 1986 at the Harkers’ house. A couple brings the 5-year-old Scarlett and Vanessa. The Harkers choose to keep Scarlett. The little Vanessa does not understand why they had to leave Scarlett behind and throws a tantrum in the car. The man, who Vanessa refuses to acknowledge as her father, explains that they are trying to keep both Vanessa and Scarlett alive. But they get into a car accident. The couple dies in the car crash while Vanessa survives.

Back to the present, Vanessa wakes and finds the Elder hovering over her. She attacks him. The Elder tells her that Scarlett sent him to find her. Vanessa does not believe him. The Elder takes the persona of Dylan, Scarlett, and finally, Susan, to calm Vanessa down. Vanessa then demands he takes her to Scarlett. The Elder reaches out to her head.

Vanessa meets Scarlett and Abby in a dreamy old castle. Scarlett introduces the dying Abby to Vanessa. They inform Vanessa that they set the Elder free and that he is pledged to serve the Van Helsings. Abby tells her daughter that a Van Helsing is born to sacrifice. As Van Helsings, it is their fate.  She reveals that the blood that infected the twins is from the Dark One and there is nothing like them in the whole world. She continues that if the Dark One ever gets free again, there would be no stopping it.

Abby instructs her children to never face the Dark One unless there is absolutely no other way. Each Elder has a totem that leads to the Dark One, she explains. Abby orders Vanessa to stop the Elders, find the totems, and destroy them. The answers are in the family book, she adds. Abby apologizes to Vanessa before taking her last breath.

Elsewhere, Sam, who apparently did not die from hanging himself, teaches the now-vampire Mohamad how to enjoy feeding on people.  They attack a group of survivors in the woods.

A helicopter is trying to land at Crooked Falls. Julius now has the ability to heal instantaneously, a trait he got from Scarhead’s bite. The group discusses a strategy on how to deal with the situation when the helicopter lands.

Vanessa is overwhelmed with what happened. The Elder, in the persona of Susan, urges her to work with him. Vanessa demands information about the other Elders. She also orders him to give her his totem. He does not possess it, he answers. It was taken when he was imprisoned, he adds.

Harrison and his men arrive at Crooked Falls. Axel goes out to look for Scarlett. He orders the rest of the group to get the intruders busy until he gets back.  

Vanessa looks for the Van Helsing family book in Blak Tek. She discovers from the files that Denver is a safe place.

Harrison greets the group outside the building. Julius invites Harrison inside. Flesh miraculously crawls out of his grave alive.  Harrison asks if anyone can explain what just happened and that where Scarlett and Axel are. Flesh screams upon seeing Lucky’s grave.  

Vanessa walks through a corridor with dead and wounded guards, and she could not control her blood lust.  She feeds on one of them.

Julius tries to comfort Flesh. Flesh blames him for ruining his life. Harrison is intrigued. Flesh tries to dig Lucky’s grave. Doc tells him to stop and that there’s nothing left of her. Harrison orders his men to take the group inside. Callie sees what is happening outside and grabs a gun.

Vanessa now hunts the woman who pretended to be her mother.

Inside the building at Crooked Falls, Harrison holds the group hostage. He demands to know where Scarlett is.

Scarhead and his vampires are scouting vampires in the woods to be transformed into Daywalkers.

Axel finds Scarlett. Scarlett explains why she had to go without letting him know. Axel informs her of the problem at Crooked Falls.

Elsewhere, Scab brings an animal for Ivory to feed on. She refuses and orders him to look for a human.

Harrison learns that the group’s leader is Abby. He also discovers that Julius has the ability to heal rapidly. He feels relieved that his creature, Scarhead, is still alive.

Vanessa catches up with her prey. The woman who pretended to be her mother has their family book. She confesses that it was she who infected Vanessa and Scarlett with the Dark One’s blood without their mother knowing about it. She says she did it just to see what would happen and claims that she created two little monsters. The woman then shots Vanessa. This time, the bullets no longer work. Vanessa then stabs her on the chest, killing her.

Scarlett and Axel arrive at the Crooked Falls to save the day. Scarlett beheads Harrison with her katana. Axel exchanges fires with Harrison’s men. Julius and Scarlet engage in close combat. Doc takes a bullet to save Jolene. A bullet hits Scarlet’s neck. Axel goes to help her. Callie saves Axel by killing the last of Harrison’s men. Scarlett simply coughs up the bullet from her mouth and instantly heals.

A helicopter arrives at Blak Tek. Vanessa reunites with her sister and friends.

Vanessa orders the group to go to Denver. She, Scarlett, and Axel bid the rest of the group goodbye. Scarlett gives Doc some of the Dark One’s blood and orders her to guard it with her life.

Vanessa, Scarlett, Axel, and the Elder are off to kill some vampires.

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