
Vanessa and the rest of the group are in the woods when a group of ferals attacks them. When they are about to be defeated in the fight, two archers come to help them. Their saviors bring them to a place called Eden.

Eden promises them enough food, medicine, and safety. Micah, Eden’s leader, welcomes them. Micah asks them what they were doing in the woods. Vanessa tells him that they are heading south but they keep running into bad situations one after another. Even if some of the people in Eden are unwelcoming, Micah gives them a place to stay. The bell starts tolling again and three vampires arrive. Magdalene and his vampires come to collect fresh blood. They are three days early. Micah and his people can only provide half of what was agreed upon. Magdalene tells Micah about the fugitives from the city and demands that Micah tells her what he knows. Micah denies any knowledge about these fugitives. Magdalene instructs him to find the special woman and inform her.

Micah shares to Vanessa’s group about cutting a deal with the vampires so they can live peacefully in Eden. Instead of being murdered or enslaved, they would rather co-exist with the vampires. Micah asks as to why Julius is seeking Vanessa. Vanessa denies being special and tells him that he is only in a quest to find her daughter.

Vanessa talks to Theo about Eden being too good to be true. Theo admits he was skeptical about it at first, but he assures her that inside Eden’s walls, they are safe from the horrors lurking out there. Vanessa tells him that walls and barricades mean safety but, eventually, the real world comes crushing in.

Sam finds Mohamad’s shirt and follows the man who hung it. Instead, Sam is locked up by Xavier. Meanwhile, Vanessa and Susan walk around Eden. Susan notices that there a lot of pregnant women but there are no children in Eden. Somewhere within Eden’s walls, Peggy is giving birth. Doc performs a C-section to deliver the child.

Vanessa asks Micah what is going to happen to the baby they just delivered. Micah answers hat the children in Eden are sent to the Resistance to become the new generation of freedom fighters. Vanessa talks to Doc about what happened to Axel. Vanessa finds out that Doc shuts the door on Axel and left him to die.  Doc explains that she had to do it. Vanessa tells her that they should part ways.

Emma is taking care of the sick Mohamad. Mohamad tells her she has to find her sister. Flesh approaches Micah and seeks help on how to let go of his pain.

Vanessa catches up with Theo in a sword fight. Vanessa mentions to him about her abilities. Meanwhile, Sam finds out about Micah and Magdalene’s true relationship before he escapes from the room. Doc asks Micah what he did to Flesh. Micah offers to help Doc.

Sam and Mohamad reunite. Sam sees the man who locked him up and kills him in front of Mohamad.

Beth leaves Peggy and the baby the at rendezvous point. Magdalene arrives to take them, but Theo and Vanessa come to rescue Peggy and the baby. They learn from Magdalene that the baby was promised to her by Micah as part of their blood pact. Vanessa and Theo let Magdalene go in exchange for Peggy’s and her baby’s lives. Vanessa compels Beth to talk.

Sam and Mohamad try to flee from Eden. Micah and the others stop them. Micah confides to Flesh as to what they should do to Vanessa’s group for killing Xavier. Flesh suggests that they banish them. But Micah tells him otherwise. Sam reveals to everyone that Magdalene is Micah’s wife. Vanessa comes and reveals that the newborns don’t go to the Resistance but are given to Magdalene. Disappointed with what he learned, Flesh stabs Micah’s back and kills him. 

Flesh decides to stay in Eden. Vanessa bids farewell to Theo. Theo gives her a katana. Doc warns Magdalene that Theo is coming to kill her and breaks the news of Micah’s death. She offers to help Magdalene escape in exchange for turning her back to being a vampire. But she cannot be turned back.

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