VanHelsing s01e13 it begins

Dmitri holds Vanessa hostage at the citadel. He tells Vanessa that something life-changing now begins and that he plans to learn everything there is to learn about her blood. He also reveals Vanessa’s true identity — she is a Van Helsing.

Dr. Sholomenko approaches the chained Vanessa. Vanessa asks him to help her, but he refuses because he wants to experiment on her. Using her blood as a weapon, he is helping to create day-walkers. He whispers to be patient and wait for her chance. He then loosens the belt tying her hand and leaves.

Meanwhile, Mohamad reunites with Sheema. Vanessa tries to escape, but Dmitri and Rebecca stop her.

Mohamad and Sheema talk about how Sheema got her room and food. She says they both could stay at the citadel. Mohamad tells her he did everything to get her out. But Sheema does not want to get out. She likes it in the citadel. Mohamad tells her he is leaving.

Dr. Sholomenko informs Dmitri, Antonasia, and Rebecca that he is ready to proceed with the removal of Vanessa’s eggs. Dmitri gives him the go signal. Dmitri asks Rebecca for any news on the Resistance. Rebecca lies to him.

At the Resistance settlement, a rumor that Vanessa is in the citadel reaches Taka. He is going back to check it out. Flesh suggests that they should attack before the vampires do anything to her.

Dr. Sholomenko brings a bag of blood to Vanessa and tells her to feed on it. Dmitri tells Vanessa that her mother also wanted to kill him. She asks him what he knows about her mother. Dmitri does not answer. Instead, he orders her to feed. Dr. Sholomenko wants to find out what effect blood has on her powers.

Mohamad visits Vanessa. Vanessa expresses her disappointment with his betrayal, saying she trusted him with her life. Mohamad apologizes and explains he had to do it. But Vanessa refuses to accept his explanation. Mohamad breaks the news that Sheema likes working for the vampires, and she does to want to leave the citadel. Vanessa says she is sorry for him because he sold his soul for nothing and asks him to go. Mohamad hands her a small knife before he leaves. Vanessa then stabs herself in the heart.

Dmitri reveals that Vanessa’s people have consistently and relentlessly hunted vampires for centuries. He expresses his admiration and respect to her great great great grandfather, Abraham. He tells her that her mother was a real warrior until she had a child. That her mother hid Vanessa before she died.

Taka arrives at the citadel. Rebecca welcomes him. Taka informs her that the Resistance is going to tear the citadel down with her help. Rebecca wants Taka to attack the citadel the next day. She wants to take Vanessa from Dmitri, so she could use her. She offers Taka an island off-limits to any vampire in exchange for his help. They agree to get rid of Dmitri first.

Vanessa is starving in her cell. She decides to finally give in and drink the blood. The blood boosts her super powers.

Taka briefs his followers on the coordinated attack. He orders them to kill everyone at the citadel. Flesh steps in and asks if he intends to kill Vanessa, too. Taka answers in the affirmative. Flesh declares that he is going to the citadel to save her, not to kill her.

Mohamad packs Sheema’s things. Sheema gets mad at him and tries to convince him that the citadel is a safer place than anywhere else. Mohamad insists that they should go. Sheema tells him that the citadel is about to be attacked, and she will help stop them. But Mohamad does not budge. Sheema then knocks him off with a vase.

Vanessa fights Dmitri. Dmitri runs before she could pull his heart out. She then fights with Rebecca. The Resistance attacks the citadel. Rebecca gets the chance to run from Vanessa. Vanessa followed suit. Taka meets with the injured Dmitri. Taka reveals to him that Rebecca betrayed him. Dmitri laughs when he learns that Rebecca offered Taka the Fox Island, saying it does not exist. Before Taka kills him, he offers Taka a deal.

Vanessa follows Rebecca to a room. She finally sees her daughter Dylan. Now a vampire, and in the hands of Rebecca.

Back at the farm, Axel emerges as a vampire.


Sam goes after Mohamad and Vanessa. Mohamad knows that Sam is afraid of water, so they cross the river to buy themselves some time. Sam pledges to find and kill them.

Vanessa and Mohamad walk through the woods. Sam has to drink a rabbit’s blood to survive. Vanessa and Mohamad arrive at a cabin in the woods. They decide to stay for the night and to go to the nearest human camp in the morning. As they settle in, Mohamad shares about how Sam has saved and always looked out for him. He admits that besides Sheema, Sam is the closest thing he got for a family. Finding out that Sam is the killer and now one of the vampires is sad for him. Vanessa then asks him what Sam meant when he said to tell Vanessa the truth before they left him in the woods. Mohamad shrugs her off by saying Sam was only begging for his life and tried to make them second guess what they were about to do.

News that Eden is empty and that all the humans are gone frustrate Julius. Magdalene tells him that humans were warned. She adds that she bit the human which Vanessa cured, but she did not turn back into a vampire. Julius then shots an arrow into her heart. He orders his vampires to burn Eden and hunt the humans.

Flesh and Theo lead the humans escaping from Eden. They have not gotten far when the vampires start burning the place.

At the cabin, Vanessa and Mohamad prepare for their trip to the camp. Mohamad says it is where Sheema is. Vanessa is hesitant to go, but Mohamad insists that there are buildings in the camp where they keep the kids, and she might find Dylan there. He succeeds in convincing her.

Dmitri summons Julius to the citadel. Sam reaches the cabin and finds out where Vanessa and Mohamad are heading. The humans execute their plan to infiltrate the citadel. Taka plants explosives on the generator.

Meanwhile, Vanessa and Mohamad talks about the camp and plans to free Sheema and Dylan. Sam catches up on them. Vanessa puts up a fight and Sam escapes.

Sam arrives at Julius’ camp. Julius’ mother gives the dying Sam a human to feed on. She demands information from Sam about Vanessa, Mohamad, and everything she wants to know.

Someone from the citadel helps taka execute his plans. Elsewhere, Flesh meets Brendan. Mohamad and Vanessa devise a strategy to enter the camp silently.

Julius reports to Dmitri. Dmitri expresses his disappointment and challenges Julius to take his power to rule. Julius attacks Dmitri, but he is no match to an ancient vampire. Dmitri spares Julius’ life, saying it is still not his time. Dmitri intends to resurrect the Elders, restore them to their dominion, and allow them to live a thousand lifetimes. Such plans will not succeed if the vampires are divided.

Mohamad has second thoughts on going into the camp. He says there are things he wants to tell Vanessa. Vanessa tells him that they have to focus on what’s important — Dylan and Sheema. They arrive at the camp and decide to split up to cover more grounds. Mohamad points out where Vanessa might find Dylan. Vanessa willingly walks into the trap.

Flesh arrives at the Resistance’ settlement. He meets Taka who asks for his help to find Vanessa. Meanwhile, Julius arrives at his camp to find his mother dead with a missing index finger.

Vanessa finds out that the camp does not keep children. That the camp is a blood farm and they only keep the old and the sick. She realizes Mohamad betrayed her. She finally meets Dmitri. Mohamad says he had no choice. Vanessa attacks Dmitri but fails. Dmitri tells her she looks just like her mother before she passes out.  

Van Helsing - S01e11 last time

Julius holds Magdalene hostage for her failure to bring him the newborn. Magdalene tells him that the arrangement was broken by the woman he seeks. She offers to take Julius to Vanessa.

Vanessa, Susan, Mohamad, and Sam arrive at Susan’s family farm but no one is there. Susan discovers that her mother died before The Rising, but her father never told her about it. At the attic, they find a radio with a broken mic. Someone on the other side communicates to them and tells them that Denver is the place to go. The news gives them hope. While they discuss what to do next, a noise from outside interrupts them. Susan’s father, now-turned-vampire, feeds on their horse Strider. They tie Susan’s father in the barn and decides what to do with him. Susan shots her father in the head. Vanessa, Mohamad, and Sam look for Susan. Sam found her in the woods, comforts her, and kills her. He then cut her finger.

Elsewhere, the sun burns Dmitri’s hands. Rebecca promises him that they will walk in the sunshine together soon. Dmitri is getting tired of Rebecca’s promises. He pressures her to make her promises a reality. She reassures him she knows the way.

Mohamad searches for Susan inside the house. He checks on Sam’s backpack and finds his collection of fingers. Mohamad attempts to tell Vanessa. Sam admits to them that he killed Susan before could Mohamad reveal that he is the killer. Vanessa finds Susan’s body in the woods. She asks Sam why he has killed Susan. Sam confesses it is just the way he is since he was a boy. Vanessa and Mohamad take Sam to the woods. Sam tries to tell Vanessa Mohamad’s secret. Mohamad attacks him. Vanessa and Mohamad leave Sam to die in the woods.

Rebecca confides to Dmitri about the human’s plan to attack their fortress and use the sunlight as a weapon. She suggests they double their efforts to capture Vanessa. Dmitri disapproves of her ideas and tells her that a plan is already in motion.

In the woods, the mortally-injured Sam is bleeding. A feral closes in as he tries to crawl his way to safety. The feral catches up with Sam and bites him. Back at Susan’s farm, Vanessa and Mohamad bury Susan. They hear Sam’s scream from a distance. Vanessa decides to go to Denver and suggests they take their separate ways. Before Mohamad could finish telling her his plans, the deaf Sam screams that he can hear them. Vanessa and Mohamad run for their lives. Sam digs Susan’s grave and feeds on her.


Vanessa and the rest of the group are in the woods when a group of ferals attacks them. When they are about to be defeated in the fight, two archers come to help them. Their saviors bring them to a place called Eden.

Eden promises them enough food, medicine, and safety. Micah, Eden’s leader, welcomes them. Micah asks them what they were doing in the woods. Vanessa tells him that they are heading south but they keep running into bad situations one after another. Even if some of the people in Eden are unwelcoming, Micah gives them a place to stay. The bell starts tolling again and three vampires arrive. Magdalene and his vampires come to collect fresh blood. They are three days early. Micah and his people can only provide half of what was agreed upon. Magdalene tells Micah about the fugitives from the city and demands that Micah tells her what he knows. Micah denies any knowledge about these fugitives. Magdalene instructs him to find the special woman and inform her.

Micah shares to Vanessa’s group about cutting a deal with the vampires so they can live peacefully in Eden. Instead of being murdered or enslaved, they would rather co-exist with the vampires. Micah asks as to why Julius is seeking Vanessa. Vanessa denies being special and tells him that he is only in a quest to find her daughter.

Vanessa talks to Theo about Eden being too good to be true. Theo admits he was skeptical about it at first, but he assures her that inside Eden’s walls, they are safe from the horrors lurking out there. Vanessa tells him that walls and barricades mean safety but, eventually, the real world comes crushing in.

Sam finds Mohamad’s shirt and follows the man who hung it. Instead, Sam is locked up by Xavier. Meanwhile, Vanessa and Susan walk around Eden. Susan notices that there a lot of pregnant women but there are no children in Eden. Somewhere within Eden’s walls, Peggy is giving birth. Doc performs a C-section to deliver the child.

Vanessa asks Micah what is going to happen to the baby they just delivered. Micah answers hat the children in Eden are sent to the Resistance to become the new generation of freedom fighters. Vanessa talks to Doc about what happened to Axel. Vanessa finds out that Doc shuts the door on Axel and left him to die.  Doc explains that she had to do it. Vanessa tells her that they should part ways.

Emma is taking care of the sick Mohamad. Mohamad tells her she has to find her sister. Flesh approaches Micah and seeks help on how to let go of his pain.

Vanessa catches up with Theo in a sword fight. Vanessa mentions to him about her abilities. Meanwhile, Sam finds out about Micah and Magdalene’s true relationship before he escapes from the room. Doc asks Micah what he did to Flesh. Micah offers to help Doc.

Sam and Mohamad reunite. Sam sees the man who locked him up and kills him in front of Mohamad.

Beth leaves Peggy and the baby the at rendezvous point. Magdalene arrives to take them, but Theo and Vanessa come to rescue Peggy and the baby. They learn from Magdalene that the baby was promised to her by Micah as part of their blood pact. Vanessa and Theo let Magdalene go in exchange for Peggy’s and her baby’s lives. Vanessa compels Beth to talk.

Sam and Mohamad try to flee from Eden. Micah and the others stop them. Micah confides to Flesh as to what they should do to Vanessa’s group for killing Xavier. Flesh suggests that they banish them. But Micah tells him otherwise. Sam reveals to everyone that Magdalene is Micah’s wife. Vanessa comes and reveals that the newborns don’t go to the Resistance but are given to Magdalene. Disappointed with what he learned, Flesh stabs Micah’s back and kills him. 

Flesh decides to stay in Eden. Vanessa bids farewell to Theo. Theo gives her a katana. Doc warns Magdalene that Theo is coming to kill her and breaks the news of Micah’s death. She offers to help Magdalene escape in exchange for turning her back to being a vampire. But she cannot be turned back.

Van Helsing S01E09: “Help Out”

Vanessa maps the blood on the floor and wraps John’s body with a white sheet. Axel and Flesh arrive to help her out. Vanessa feels guilty for killing John. She justifies her actions and says that what she did is necessary. Axel agrees with her. Axel and Flesh carry the body to the kitchen. Flesh thanks Axel for keeping them safe. Very foul smell exudes when Axel opens the freezer. Rotting dead bodies are inside. Vanessa goes to her room and comforts Susan.

Doc examines the dead bodies to find out what happened to them. She instructs Axel and Gorman to put the bodies in the quarantine zone. While Axel piles up the corpses, Vanessa thanks him for protecting her during the past three years. They also talk about Vanessa’s past that Axel read about on her files. Vanessa asks for her files, but Axel said he does not have it. Pissed, Vanessa then locks him in the quarantine zone. A feral appears and Axel shoots it before it runs away.

While on the woods, Mohamad meets a girl named Emma. She offers Mohamad food. Emma is not afraid of the vampires.

Back at The Farm, Susan and Axel hunt the feral in the quarantine zone. They find a bloody room, but they could not find the feral.

Rebecca arrives at the human settlement to deliver Quaid. Dr. Sholomenko tells everyone that Quaid is a traitor.

Doc discovers that The Farm is filled with radiation. She passes out before she could tell anyone. Meanwhile, the group is discussing what to do with the feral. Gorman decides that he will find it. Axel and the rest of the group found Doc lying on the floor. She tells them that the whole place is contaminated with radiation and that they have to get off the place or they all die soon. But, they cannot get out because the only way in and out of the bunker is blocked.

Taka questions Quaid. Sheema tells him that Quaid is a traitor. Quaid tries to talk her way out of it but Taka shoots her.

At The Farm, Doc confesses to Axel that on the day she was bitten, she was not trying to save Smitty from the vampires. Contrary to Axel’s belief, she was trying to shut the door on him. Axel comforts her.

Luckily for the group, Sam discovers a hidden way out of the bunker. But Gorman is missing, and Doc decides to look for him. Axel accompanies her. They go back to the quarantine zone. Axel goes in while Doc guards the door. Axel finds the feral lying lifeless on the floor. Meanwhile, Vanessa and the rest of the group successfully escape from the vampires outside The Farm. Gorman, now a vampire, then attacks Axel. Doc anxiously waits by the door. When she sees Axel fighting with Gorman, she panics. She shuts the door on Axel, as she did on Smitty, and runs out of the facility. She then tells everyone Axel is dead.

Vanessa finds her missing file at the truck and discovers something about her past. The group hears the bell ringing. They have nowhere else to go, so they decide to check it out.


Sheema has earned her prize for agreeing to be Rebecca’s mole. She now has a room of her own at the vampire’s lair. Rebecca brings her to a delivery room filled with pregnant women. A woman is giving birth and screams as she delivers a child. Dr. Sholomenko holds the lifeless child and says there must have been something wrong with his calculations. The child is not what Dr. Sholomenko and Rebecca have hoped for. The vampires drag the still-bleeding mother out of the room. Sheema asks what happens to her and Rebecca tells her she becomes a feedbag like the others. She expresses her disappointment towards the doctor’s failures. Rebecca then threatens Sheema.

Now on the road, Axel, Vanessa, and the rest of the group drive to Axel’s military base. While on a stop, they hear a church bell ringing. They discuss whether to continue to Axel’s base or go to where the bells are. They decide to go for the base. Sam leaves a sign for Mohamad. Meanwhile, Mohamad is riding a bike trying to follow their trail.  

They arrive at the base’s blocked entrance. Axel decides that they walk towards the base. Mohamad’s bike breaks. He too has to walk to follow them. He hears the bell ringing and decides to go see where it comes from. Mohamad misses seeing Sam’s sign. The group finally arrives at an empty military base and decides to stay for the night. Land mines are exploding outside the base as the ferals come close. Doc and Vanessa find Grace’s office. They discover a folder about Vanessa but the files are missing. John and Susan find a person named Gordan hiding in the building. He says he was separated from his group when they got into a fight with some vampires. He is a member of the Resistance. Outside, the ferals are getting closer.

Axel brings them to an underground research facility called The Farm. They find plenty of food and supplies down at the bunker. They find beers, too. Both drunk, John takes advantage of Susan. Susan screams and everyone comes to her rescue. They accuse John of being the killer and look through his belongings. They find Cynthia’s finger. John ables to free his hands and holds Susan hostage. Vanessa throws a knife ninja style and kills him.

Van helsing s01e07 for me

At the citadel, Dmitri talks to Dr. Sholomenko about his experiments in his laboratory and Rebecca’s business with Sheema. A vampire spy reports to Dmitri on Julius’ failure to keep Vanessa and his plan on betraying Dmitri. Dmitri kills the vampire with his bare hands.

Elsewhere, Mohamad has managed to keep himself alive. He sees vampires attacking some members of Brendan’s group. Mohamad hides under the bridge while Catherine is being murdered. He approaches the dying Catherine to ask what happened after he was banished. She died before she tells him about Vanessa.

Back at the hospital, Doc is still trying to figure out what is wrong with Vanessa. Julius and his vampires arrive at the hospital and are about to stage an attack. Axel and the group try to make a stand. Doc and John revive Vanessa and finally makes a breakthrough. With John’s help, she pulls out the vampire’s tooth in Vanessa’s leg. Meanwhile, the vampires infiltrate the hospital. Axel’s booby traps stop them from getting to Vanessa.

Mohamad uses the weapons he found to warn the people in the hospital of the impending attack by Dmitri’s elite death squad.  Julius’ group retreats. Dmitri’s elite death squad demands that Axel and the group surrender Vanessa. Everyone panics. Axel could not devise a plan to defend themselves and breaks down. There is only one trick left on his sleeves — to abandon ship. With Axel’s surprisingly well-laid escape strategy, they drive their way to safety. For now.

They left Mohamad behind.

van helsing s01e06 Nothing_Matters

Vanessa and Susan are trying to stay alive down in the sewers. The worst kind of feral catch up to them. While fighting it off, it bites Vanessa on the leg. She collapses after killing it.

Back at the hospital, Callie and Catherine wander off the hospital, which they took from Axel’s control. They are looking for hidden supplies. They come across a prohibited area. Despite the visible warning signs, they enter it, and Callie triggers a booby trap. Had she been taller, it would have cut her in half.  

At the sewers, Vanessa and Susan are back on their feet. The thought of finding Dylan gives them the strength to keep going. Vanessa’s knowledge, which she acquired while she was a bus driver, helps them navigate the sewers.

After what happened to Callie, Catherine worries about Axel’s booby traps. Brendan decides to let Axel out to question him. Axel does not give in to his demand. He ends up being beaten instead.

In the citadel, the Resistance walks into a trap as they try to infiltrate it. Mohamad, on the other hand, has managed to find weapons and supplies. Julius losses his temper upon knowing that Vanessa escaped his grasps.

Susan comforts Vanessa by telling her a secret. They arrive at the ladder exit and are on their way to the hospital.

Catherine, unable to get over to what happened to Callie, attacks Axel in the cage with a sphere. Sam uses a mirror to eavesdrop on Brendan’s group and says that they are going to execute them all.

Vanessa and Susan arrive at the hospital barely alive. Vanessa notices that the bite getting worse. Unfortunately, she is not healing faster than usual. At the cage, Axel and the group are trying to escape through the grate in the ceiling. Doc has to help Vanessa. She then tells Vanessa of what has happened since she left. They devise a strategy to take over the control from Brendan’s group. Doc tells everyone about Vanessa’s plan. They successfully execute the plan and decide to banish what’s left of Brendan’s group.

Sheema survives the vampire attack at the citadel. Rebecca rescues her from Campbell and demands that she must lead her to the other members of the Resistance.

Axel’s group sends Brendan’s group out of the hospital. Vanessa is not getting any better which worries Doc.


Now at Julius’ camp, Vanessa is being dragged by the vampires. Julius’ mother notes that the vampires fear to hear. Julius comments that Vanessa could change them and that she will lead Julius to Rebecca and that Rebecca will lead him to Dmitri.

Dr. Sholomenko approaches Dmitri. Dmitri introduces to him his sister Antonasia. Dr. Sholomenko then relays a message from Julius’ camp. He says that the woman they seek exists, that she turned one of Julius’ vampire, and that Julius has already captured her.

At the hospital, the new-comers are settling in. Axel blames them for losing Vanessa. While Doc tends to the injured Roger, Axel tells her he got to find Vanessa. Brendon, the leader of the refugees, talks to Axel about their situation.

Back at Julius’ camp, Vanessa’s hands are tied. Julius asks who is brave enough to fight Vanessa. Vanessa’s best-friend-turned-vampire Susan volunteers. Julius then releases Vanessa’s hands. Susan confesses she killed Dylan. Vanessa attacks her. Vanessa bites Susan during the fight. Susan falls to her knees and vomits blood. Susan turns into a human. Vanessa and Susan run to escape. Ferals and feeders pursue them. Susan tells Vanessa that what she said about Dylan is not true. She then narrates what happened after Vanessa died.

Elsewhere, Sheema crawls in the vents and steals the citadel’s blueprint from Rebecca’s room. Rebecca catches her but lets her leave unharmed in exchange for the promise to do all her bidding.

The refugees at the hospital are holding a meeting. Axel asks Sam to figure out what they are saying. With his lip-reading skills, Sam figures out their plans. Tension builds between Axel and Brendan. Doc then finds Roger covered in blood. Brendan barges in and asks what is going on. Doc answers that Roger is dead, but she tries to hide the true cause. John reveals the truth that Roger was murdered. The refugees panic and stage a coup against Axel. They lock everyone from Axel’s group in the cage, including John who helped them take control of Axel. Inside the cage, they talk about the mysterious murderer and start accusing each other.

Vanessa and Susan reach the sewer entrance. The vampires are scared to follow them down the sewer. Julius threatens to kill them if they don’t.

Brendan informs Axel’s group that they plan to exile all of them. Axel admits he is the murderer so the others will not be exiled. But Brendan does not believe him. Mohamad then confesses he did the killings. Sam tries to save Mohamad by admitting he is the killer. Mohamad promises him they will see each other again soon. Brendan and his group then banished Mohamad. Sam is heartbroken to see his friend go.

Sheema lays the citadel’s blueprint. They plot a plan to penetrate the building.

Vanessa and Susan navigate through the sewers. The vampires are not far behind. A beast kidnaps one of the pursuers.

Axel is sure Mohamad is not the murderer. Brendan also thinks the same, but he says he has to thin the herd until he gets the killer to protect his people. Mohamad, now alone and armed with nothing, runs for his life. Axel plans to get out of the cage and take everything back from Brendan’s group.

The beast closes in on Vanessa and Susan. Vanessa tells Susan to run.

van-helsing s01e04 coming back

At the vampires’ lair, Sheema navigates through the vents which lead her to Rebecca’s room.  After witnessing something horrible, she hurries to flee unnoticed. But Rebecca has already catch her scent.

Back at the hospital, Doc still cannot believe that she is now human again. Flesh inquires as to how she is doing. Flesh tells her that she is lucky she is spared from the horrors outside the walls of the hospital. He shares how Julius likes to kill people slowly and that it was how he became to. He also talks about how brutal ancient vampires are.

Flesh wakes up from a nightmare. He sees the dead Cynthia hanging by the ceiling. His scream gets everyone on their feet and runs to his location. Everyone is shocked that Cynthia committed suicide.  As Doc examines the dead body, she notices the index finger on the right hand was chopped off and is missing.

In a camp far away, vampires are enslaving humans. A fraction of the group called Resistance is planning to fight the vampires to gain their freedom. Sheema tells Campbell that she knows how to get into the vampires’ building.

Doc tells Axel that Cynthia did not commit suicide and that a killer is lurking among them. The fire alarm went off. Axel grabs a fire extinguisher and rushes to the stop the fire. Meanwhile, Vanessa is trying to open the hospital door, but she couldn’t. Mohamad arrives and offers to help her escape on the condition that she allows him to tag along.  Mohamad opens the door with the code he stole from Axel’s notebook. Vanessa and Mohamad then head out the door. Axel attempts to go after them, but Doc stops him. Axel breaks the news to Sam that Mohamad took left. Sam gets scared.

Vanessa and Mohamad arrive at Vanessa’s apartment to find out what happened to Dylan. They discover that Dylan made it out alive after Vanessa died.

Axel discloses to the rest of the group that Cynthia was murdered and asks who the killer is. Nicole accuses Flesh.  Flesh defends himself. John then accuses Doc and then Mohamad. Tension builds up as John screams at Sam. Axel says they cannot just pin it on Mohamad and that it could be anyone in the room.

Vanessa and Mohamad are now their way to the police station. A group of people is being attacked by ferals. Vanessa runs to their rescue. A member of the group is heavily injured. Their leader says they need a safe place to stay. Vanessa offers to take them to the hospital despite Mohamad’s opposition.

The ferals arrive at Julius’ camp and tell him that the woman they seek is near. Julius orders to capture her and kill the rest. Julius’ mother instigates that when they catch Vanessa, they will not surrender her to Dmitri. Instead, they should keep and use her for their advantage.

Brendan tells Vanessa what happened to their journey and about the rumors of safe havens down the coasts. Feeders then arrive. Vanessa volunteers to hold them and orders Mohamad to bring the group to the hospital safely and take care of the little girl Callie.

Back at the hospital, Flesh describes to the curios Sam how it was like to be a vampire. He shares how it happened and the changes he experienced, such as the increased strength, skin-thinning, heightened senses, and how his old injuries healed. Sam asks him if he misses it. Flesh could not answer.

Vanessa prepares for the vampire attack. The vampires fear her but she is outnumbered.

Mohamad and the group reach the hospital safely. Sam is happy is to see Mohamad and hugs him. Meanwhile, the vampires carry Vanessa back to Julius’ camp.